Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at FUMC is a group of ladies that knit and crochet shawls and lap robes for those in need of knowing that they are thought of and prayed for. Originally organized in 2006 by Ferrell Armstrong, we have given away [350] shawls and lap robes over the years. Those who have received shawls include people facing health issues, a death in the family, a birth in the family, to Four Seasons, the Cancer Center, and some shared with a Presbyterian church in Kentucky.
Shawls and lap robes have been sent to the veterans at the Veteran's Hospital in Marion, to Camp Atterbury USO, and to survivors at Turning Point Domestic Violence Services. Additionally, scarves have also been made for high school and college graduates of our congregation. In the month of December, we provided scarves and hats to be given to those attending the Hot Meals program (a free hot meal program in the community hosted at FUMC).
If you enjoy knitting or crocheting and would like to join this group, come meet with us in the church library on the first Tuesday of every month from 1:00-2:30pm.