Upcoming Events
Here you will find information on upcoming events.
Brown Bag Luncheon
The Brown Bag Luncheon is an informal gathering of folks who share lunch and conversation together. There is no particular agenda, just a change to enjoy one another's company. Our next luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 18th at noon in room 116. Bring a lunch and we'll take care of the rest!
Sunday School
Rev. Boles is leading a class on the book of Genesis on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Jeri Ahlbrand is leading a study entitled, “The Way” written by Adam Hamilton which will meet in Room 116 after worship at 11:00 a.m. We invite you to attend the class that works best for you!
Book Club
With immigration being such a hot topic in American politics, the selection for the September book club is very timely. Jeanine Cummins best-selling novel, “American Dirt” tells the story of a mother and son who flee from their home in Mexico to find safety in the United States. Along the way, they encounter others fleeing from something, but uncertain of what they will find waiting for them. Join us in the church library on Sunday
September 15th at 6:00 p.m. as we discuss this timely novel.
Greensburg! You know it - the place with the courthouse tree. Turns out there are super places to shop and eat there as well. Who knew??
We will carpool from the church to Greensburg for shopping at several of their unique shops. Not too early to start some Christmas shopping! We’ll also have lunch at Carriage On The Square Smokehouse. Look at the pictures on their website - mouthwatering goodies, for sure!
This will be a day of fun and fellowship! If you are
interested, please let Sheryl know and indicate if you are willing to drive.
Columbus Pride Festival
First UMC is pleased to be a participant in the 2024 Pride
Festival on September 7th at Mill Race Park. Again this year, our church will have a booth for this event to show our love and support for the LGBTQ community. The event will be held from noon at 5:00 p.m. We always appreciate volunteer
support, so if you are able to help during any portion of the event, please contact the church office and let us know what times you prefer.
Youth Group
For grades 6th and up we will have youth group from 11:30 – 1:30. This month our meetings will be on September 8th and 22nd. On September 8th we will kick off our year with the theme “What Would Jesus Do?”. This semester we will be looking closely at some of our favorite
stories about Christ and how we are able to model that behavior today. If you are interested in helping us with lunch, please follow the link https://signup.com/go/USUREQG